Committee details

Safer, Cleaner, Greener Scrutiny Panel

Purpose of committee

1.         To keep under review the activity and decisions of the West Essex Joint Waste Committee with respect to:


(a)      the procurement of the integrated waste collection and disposal contract for the West Essex area (Epping Forest, Braintree, Harlow, Brentwood & Uttlesford);

(b)      the monitoring of contract performance; and

(c)      the annual review of the Joint Waste Committee business plan.


2.         To consider the arrangements by which the new Local Development Scheme is being brought into operation. In particular, to consider how new requirements for community consultation and strategic environmental assessment work in practice.


3.         In the context of the DERA ‘Cleaner Neighbourhoods Consultation document’ to consider the viability of employing uniformed wardens, the formulation of a response to the document and the financial consequences of these matters.  


4.         Cleaner Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 – implementation of Provisions.


5.         Anti-Social Behaviour in Car Parks.


6.         Parking on Grass Verges/ Parking in residential Areas -

            to monitor the recommendations of the 2005/06 Task and Finish Panel on Parking in residential areas and identify any follow up actions required.


7.         To keep under review the Nottingham Declaration and its affects on the District Council.


8.         ECC Speed Management plan.


9.         Local Better Regulations Office – Draft Strategy 2008-2011.


From old Crime and Disorder Task and Finish Panel –


10.       To consider the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) and its effect on Scrutiny in EFDC and how it could be improved.


11.       To consider the involvement of Overview and Scrutiny in the new ‘Scrutiny Plus’ arrangements to be conducted with other partner agencies.


12.       To consider the proposal for a ‘Community Call for Action’ and its implications for EFDC Scrutiny.


13.       To consider the role of EFDCs Crime Reduction Team and the resources available to it.


14.    To report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Council and the Cabinet with  recommendations on matters allocated to the Panel as appropriate.



Contact information

Support officer: Adrian Hendry, Directorate of Governance. email: Tel: 01992 564246
