Issue - decisions

Older and Disabled Persons Task and Finish Panel - Final Report

18/06/2007 - Older and Disabled Persons Task and Finish Panel - Final Report

(1)        That the report and recommendations of the Services for Older People and Disabled People Task and Finish Panel be endorsed;


(2)        That grant aid support to help develop the Older People’s Advisory Group as an independent and self financing organisation be identified by the Community Wellbeing Portfolio Holder in order to:


(a)            support and encourage the valuable contribution made by older people to our society; and


(b)            encourage older people to support each other;


(3)        That the Older People’s Advisory Group be used by the Council as part of its ongoing consultation strategy;


(4)        That the following comments of the Leisure and Young People Portfolio Holder be noted:


(a)        The 50+ New Horizons initiative from Leisure Services provides a wide range of healthy living and social activities, which helps meets the needs of the growing number of older people;


(b)        Home Life is the latest targeted Elderly Person Arts project provided by Leisure Services;


(c)        The provision of the Seated Exercise programme should continue with the support of external funding;


(5)        That, in order to maintain the value of the money on an on-going basis, a means by which the DDF grant to the Handyperson Scheme can become part of the CSB budget be identified by the Finance, Performance Management and Corporate Support Services Portfolio Holder;


(6)        That the availability of the Handyperson Scheme be advertised more widely through The Forester;


(7)        That the changes to the Concessionary Fare Scheme proposed by the Government be kept under review in order to monitor:


(a)        any financial implications for the Council; and


(b)            whether in the light of the changes proposed, the separate scheme with Transport for London would still be necessary;


(8)        That the Council sponsored Day Clubs for the more housebound older people provided in association with Housing Services be kept under review in the light of:


(a)            difficulties in recruiting volunteers to help run them;


(b)            difficulties in providing transport to and from the Clubs; and


(c)        falling attendances; and


(9)        That work being undertaken to address equality issues within the Council’s Services provisions be brought to a conclusion and a Disability Equality Scheme be published without further delay.