Issue - decisions

Epping Forest College, Loughton - Release of Restrictive Covenants

20/09/2010 - Replacement of Restrictive Covenants - Epping Forest College, Loughton

(1)        That the right of pre-emption in respect of the land shown edged thick black on Plan A (attached at Appendix 1 of the report) and edged thick black on Plan C (attached at Appendix 3 of the report), which are part of Epping Forest College, be recommended to the Council for unconditional release; 


(2)        That the full release of the covenant which restricts the use of the land shown edged thick black on Plan A, in return for a side-letter or words in the deed of release with respect to the College providing replacement sports facilities when their funding situation allowed, be recommended to the Council for approval;


(3)        That the delegation of authority to the Director of Corporate Support Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Legal and Estates, to negotiate any reasonable variation to the covenant restricting the use of the land shown edged thick black on Plan C be recommended to the Council for approval; and


(4)        That the delegation of authority to the Director of Corporate Support Services to agree minor variations to the new covenants, as required, be recommended to the Council for approval.

14/09/2009 - Release of Restrictive Covenants - Epping Forest College, Loughton

(1)        That the release of the right of pre-emption in respect of the subject land be recommended to the Council for approval;


(2)        That the release of the right of pre-emption be conditional upon the construction of the new sports facilities when funding becomes available, the means of achieving this to be agreed by the Portfolio Holder for Legal & Estates and the Director of Corporate Support Services;


(3)        That the restrictive covenant in respect of the subject land be released and replaced with a new restrictive covenant permitting residential care home use and education use only; and


(4)        That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Legal & Estates and the Director of Corporate Support Services to agree any minor variations.