Issue - decisions

Approach to Managing the Effects of Air Pollution on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation

23/07/2020 - Approach to Managing the Effects of Air Pollution on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation


(1)  The Cabinet agreed the Approach to Managing the Effects of Air Pollution on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation for the purposes of formal consultation with Natural England and the Conservators;


(2)  The Cabinet agreed that any necessary and appropriate changes arising from that consultation and any data and targets arising from the finalisation of the current air quality modelling work would be incorporated into the Approach to Managing the Effects of Air Pollution on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation;


(3)  The Cabinet agreed that the adoption of the Approach to Managing the Effects of Air Pollution on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation was delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Sustainability, submitted to the Local Plan Inspector examining the Council’s emerging Local Plan and be used to inform the Council’s updated Habitats Regulations Assessment for the emerging Local Plan; and


(4)  That upon adoption, the Approach to Managing the Effects of Air Pollution on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation would be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and permitted development rights proposals within the Epping Forest District Council administrative area.