Issue - decisions

Delivery of Bakers Lane Leisure Centre

23/04/2021 - Delivery of Bakers Lane Leisure Centre


(1)        The Cabinet noted the progress made on delivery of the Epping Leisure Centre at Bakers Lane, Epping;


(2)        The Cabinet delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Technical the authority to agree the Deed of Variation to the contract with Places Leisure for delivery of the new centre, adjustments to the agreement to take account of the sale of current Epping Sports Centre at Hemnall Street to Qualis and the right to continue to use this facility until the new Bakers Lane facility was ready;


(3)        The Cabinet allocated £600,000 from existing Capital Programme provision for the Bakers Lane Leisure Centre, as agreed by Council in February, to progress detailed designs and further site survey work in order to arrive at cost certainty;


(4)     In recognising that Qualis owned a number of regeneration sites in Epping Town and the delivery of the Bakers Lane site was interdependent on Qualis progress; the Cabinet agreed to work with Qualis in a strategic delivery partnership, with Qualis occupying the role of Infrastructure Manager with the responsibility of coordination for the delivery of all five sites in Epping Town and communications across the sites and agree an appropriate day rate retainer fee to reflect this;


(5)      The Cabinet delegated authority to the Section 151 officer to repay to Qualis costs incurred by them in preparing and submitting a planning application and outline design for the Bakers Lane Leisure Centre that is to be used by Places Leisure; the amount to be based on the actual justifiable costs incurred and upon consultation with the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Technical and Portfolio Holder for Finance; and


(6)       That the final form of contract variation covering Management Fee income from the new Centre be brought to a future Cabinet for consideration.