Issue - decisions

Green Infrastructure Strategy

23/04/2021 - Green Infrastructure Strategy


(1)        The Cabinet agreed the Green Infrastructure Strategy as a material planning consideration for the preparation of Strategic Masterplans, Concept Frameworks, pre-application advice, assessing planning applications and any other development management and implementation related purposes within the District; for submission to the Local Plan Inspector; and used to inform the Council’s update to the Habitats Regulations Assessment to support the emerging Local Plan, subject to review with the Woodland Trust;


(2)        The Cabinet agreed that contributions would be sought from residential developments in the parishes of Loughton, Buckhurst Hill and Theydon Bois towards site specific projects to mitigate the impact of recreational pressure on Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation in the sum of £716 per dwelling;


(3)        The Cabinet agreed the Green Infrastructure Strategy as a framework for guiding partnership working and investment in green and blue infrastructure as part of the Council’s response to the Climate Emergency; and


(4)        The Cabinet agreed that the Planning Services Director, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder be authorised to make minor amendments to the Green Infrastructure Strategy, including any mapping and links and the addition of a glossary, prior to publication.