Issue - decisions

North Weald Airfield Strategic Masterplan

15/03/2023 - North Weald Airfield Strategic Masterplan


(1)  The Cabinet noted the process undertaken and the outputs from the public consultation on the Draft North Weald Airfield Masterplan undertaken between December 2021 and February 2022.


(2) The Cabinet agreed that the North Weald Airfield Strategic Masterplan be formally endorsed in order for it to be taken into account as an important material consideration in the determination of future planning applications, and to inform pre-application advice, assessing planning and any other development management and implementation related purposes relating to the site.


(3)        The Cabinet agreed that the Planning Services Director, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make minor amendments to the North Weald Airfield Strategic Masterplan, including any mapping and links, prior to publication.