Issue - decisions

Approval of Draft East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD for formal consultation

18/07/2023 - Approval of draft East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD for consultation

(1)           That the Cabinet approved the draft East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD (Appendix A) for formal public consultation planned for summer 2023.


(2)           That the Cabinet agreed that the HGGT Director, in consultation with the Chair of HGGT Board be authorised to make minor amendments to the draft East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD prior to publication for consultation.


(3)           That the Cabinet noted that, following consultation and any subsequent revisions, it was intended that the final East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD would be considered by Cabinet for adoption as a material planning consideration for assessing planning applications, pre-application advice, and any other development management purposes within the East of Harlow Masterplan Area.