Surrender of Lease and Renewal - Glyn Hopkins, Waltham Abbey
- 05/01/2017 - Published in plan, The Key Decision List including Proposed Private Decisions - 5 January 2017
- 02/02/2017 - Agenda item, Cabinet Surrender of Lease and Renewal - Glyn Hopkins, Brooker Road/Cartersfield Road, Waltham Abbey 02/02/2017
- 09/02/2017 - Published in plan, The Key Decision List including Proposed Private Decisions - 9 February 2017
- 09/02/2017 - Published decision: Surrender of Lease and Renewal - Glyn Hopkins, Brooker Road/Cartersfield Road, Waltham Abbey
- 16/02/2017 - Call-in period expired: Surrender of Lease and Renewal - Glyn Hopkins, Brooker Road/Cartersfield Road, Waltham Abbey
- 21/02/2017 - Agenda item, Council Reports from the Leader and Members of the Cabinet 21/02/2017
- 21/02/2017 - Agenda item, Council Lease of Land Brooker/Cartersfield Road, Waltham Abbey 21/02/2017