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Adjudication Sub-Committee - Epping Forest Standa
Appointment Panel
Area Planning Sub-Committee East
Area Planning Sub-Committee South
Area Planning Sub-Committee West
Area Plans Subcommittee A
Area Plans Subcommittee B
Area Plans Subcommittee B/C
Area Plans Subcommittee C
Area Plans Subcommittee D
Assessment Subcommittee - Epping Forest District S
Asset Management and Economic Development Cabinet
Audit & Business Rate Consult Panel
Audit & Governance Committee
Benefits Review Board-Panel
Children Services Task and Finish Panel
Committee for the Appointment of a Chief Executive
Communities Scrutiny Committee
Communities Select Committee
Complaints Panel
Constitution and Members Services Scrutiny Panel
Constitution Working Group
Constitutional Affairs Scrutiny Standing Panel
Corporate Green Working Party
Council Housebuilding Cabinet Committee
Crime and Disorder Task and Finish Scrutiny Panel
Customer Services and ICT Scrutiny Standing Panel
Customer Transformation Task and Finish Panel
Direct Services Board
Directorate Restructuring Panel
Dispensations Sub-Committee
District Development Control Committee
District Development Management Committee
District Town and Parish Council Charter Review -
Electoral and Community Governance Review Committe
Environmental and Planning Services Standing Scrut
Epping Forest Local Highways Panel
Epping Forest Youth Council
Executive Committee
Finance and Performance Management Cabinet Committ
Finance and Performance Management Scrutiny Panel
Governance Select Committee
Grant Aid Panel
Grant Aid Review Task and Finish Scrutiny Panel
Hearings Sub-Committee - Epping Forest Standards C
HGGT Joint Committee
Housing Appeals and Review Panel
Housing Scrutiny Panel
ICT and E Government Scrutiny Standing Panel
Joint Housing and Finance and Performance Manageme
Joint Staff
Joint Works
Leader Media Briefing
Leisure Services
Leisure Task and Finish Scrutiny Panel
Libraries Sub
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub Committee
Local Area Agreement for Essex - Scrutiny Task and
Local Councils' Liaison Committee
Local Development Framework Cabinet Committee
Local High Streets Task & Finish Panel
Local Highways Panel (See ECC website)
Local Plan Cabinet Committee
Local Plan Workshop
Local Strategic Partnership Board
Local Strategic Partnership Task and Finish Panel
Loughton Leisure Centre Cabinet Committee
Meeting of Development Control Chairmen and Vice C
Member Remuneration Panel
Neighbourhoods Select Committee
North Weald Airfield and Asset Management Cabinet
Ongar Park-Blunts Farm Special
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Overview & Scrutiny Select Committee Framework Tas
Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group
Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1
Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2
Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3
Overview and Scrutiny Review Task and Finish Panel
Parish Remuneration Panel
Personnel Sub
Pitt Review on Flooding Task and Finish Panel
Place Scrutiny Committee
Planning Committee A
Planning Committee B
Planning Services Scrutiny Panel
Plans Sub 'A'
Plans Sub 'B'
Policy & Co-ordinating
Policy and Information Bulletin
Portfolio Holder Advisory Group on Leisure Managem
Provision of Value for Money within Planning Servi
Public Health
Public Services Monitoring Panel
Register of Development Proposals Task and Finish
Resources Select Committee
Review of Licensing Services Task and Finish Panel
Reviews Sub-Committee - Epping Forest Standards Co
Roding Valley Forum
Safer, Cleaner, Greener Scrutiny Panel
Safety Sub
Sainsburys Planning Application
Scrutiny Panels Review Task and Finish Panel
Senior Management Appeals Panel
Senior Management Selection Panel
Senior Recruitment Task and Finish Scrutiny Panel
Services for Older People and Disabled People Task
Staff Appeals Panel
Standards Committee
Stronger Communities Select Committee
Stronger Council Select Committee
Stronger Place Select Committee
Sustainable Communities Task and Finish Panel
Task and Finish Panel on Traveller Issues
Town Centre and Car Parks Task and Finish Scrutiny
Transformation Task and Finish Panel
Unparished Area Advisory Forum
Waste Management Contract Cabinet Committee
Waste Management Task & Finish Panel
Youth Engagement Review Task and Finish Panel
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Non Pecuniary Interest
Other Pecuniary Interest
Allgood, Councillor Ian Allgood
Amos, Councillor Clive Amos
Ardakani, Councillor Arash Ardakani
Balcombe, Councillor Raymond Balcombe
Baldwin, Councillor Roger Baldwin
Barlow, Councillor Deborah Barlow
Barnard, Councillor Edward Barnard
Bassett, Councillor Richard Bassett
Bedford, Councillor Nigel Bedford
Bhanot, Councillor Pranav Bhanot
Bolton, Councillor Peter Bolton
Brady, Councillor Heather Brady
Bromwich, Councillor Tom Bromwich
Brookes, Councillor Rose Brookes
Burrows, Councillor Les Burrows
Chahal Holden, Councillor Rashni Chahal Holden
Church, Councillor Bob Church
Cohen, Councillor Barbara Cohen
Cornish, Councillor Tippy Cornish
Dadd, Councillor Mary Dadd
Gabbett, Councillor Elizabeth Gabbett
George, Councillor Mandy George
Green, Councillor Andy Green
Hadley, Councillor Ian Hadley
Heap, Councillor Simon Heap
Heather, Councillor Steven Heather
Jennings, Councillor Judy Jennings
Jennings, Councillor Bob Jennings
Jogia, Councillor Jayna Jogia
Jones, Councillor Sue Jones
Kane, Councillor Helen Kane
Kane, Councillor Sam Kane
Kauffman, Councillor Howard Kauffman
Kauffman, Councillor Will Kauffman
Keska, Councillor Paul Keska
Lea, Councillor Jeane Lea
Lion, Councillor Alan Lion
Lucas, Councillor Jodie Lucas
Markham, Councillor Maria Markham
Matthews, Councillor Tim Matthews
McCann, Councillor Craig McCann
McCredie, Councillor Cherry McCredie
McIvor, Councillor Jaymey McIvor
Mead, Councillor Louise Mead
Morgan, Councillor Lisa Morgan
Morgan, Councillor Richard Morgan
Morris, Councillor Martin Morris
Murray, Councillor Stephen Murray
Nweke, Councillor Chidi Nweke
Owen, Councillor Michael Owen
Paine, Councillor Lesley Paine
Parsons, Councillor Joseph Parsons
Patel, Councillor Aniket Patel
Patel, Councillor Smruti Patel
Philip, Councillor John Philip
Pond, Councillor Chris Pond
Pond, Councillor Caroline Pond
Pugsley, Councillor Ronda Pugsley
Rackham, Councillor Sheree Rackham
Rizvi, Councillor Kaz Rizvi
Sharif, Councillor Razia Sharif
Stocker, Councillor David Stocker
Sunger, Councillor Darshan Sunger
Vaz, Councillor Basil Vaz
Whitbread, Councillor Chris Whitbread
Whitbread, Councillor Holly Whitbread
Whitehouse, Councillor Janet Whitehouse
Whitehouse, Councillor Jon Whitehouse
Williamson, Councillor Ken Williamson
Wiskin, Councillor Graham Wiskin
Wixley, Councillor David Wixley
Yerrell, Councillor Shane Yerrell
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period