Attendance summary

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend, whether in person or virtually, in their capacity as member of that committee. This only includes meetings for which the actual attendance status is known.
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present, as substitute, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in place of a committee member who could not attend.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
In attendance, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present Present, virtual Present as substitute, virtual In attendance In attendance, virtual
Councillor Ian Allgood18150030
Councillor Clive Amos11100020
Councillor Arash Ardakani870000
Councillor Raymond Balcombe13110050
Councillor Roger Baldwin1290022
Councillor Deborah Barlow200000
Councillor Edward Barnard860000
Councillor Richard Bassett1261000
Councillor Nigel Bedford15150021
Councillor Pranav Bhanot210000
Councillor Peter Bolton330000
Councillor Heather Brady330000
Councillor Tom Bromwich831000
Councillor Rose Brookes1090040
Councillor Les Burrows11110000
Councillor Rashni Chahal Holden750000
Councillor Bob Church330000
Councillor Barbara Cohen770020
Councillor Tippy Cornish650000
Councillor Mary Dadd1091010
Councillor Elizabeth Gabbett1043001
Councillor Mandy George870010
Councillor Andy Green110000
Councillor Ian Hadley1120000
Councillor Simon Heap330002
Councillor Steven Heather13120000
Councillor Judy Jennings200000
Councillor Bob Jennings200000
Councillor Jayna Jogia301000
Councillor Sue Jones750020
Councillor Helen Kane301000
Councillor Sam Kane100000
Councillor Howard Kauffman1191020
Councillor Will Kauffman860000
Councillor Paul Keska16150011
Councillor Jeane Lea1180010
Councillor Alan Lion14101000
Councillor Jodie Lucas1170000
Councillor Maria Markham11110000
Councillor Tim Matthews16110000
Councillor Craig McCann13112000
Councillor Cherry McCredie310000
Councillor Jaymey McIvor970000
Councillor Louise Mead11110001
Councillor Lisa Morgan1080010
Councillor Richard Morgan16140000
Councillor Martin Morris751020
Councillor Stephen Murray13130030
Councillor Chidi Nweke1090001
Councillor Michael Owen970000
Councillor Lesley Paine220000
Councillor Joseph Parsons1290000
Councillor Aniket Patel440000
Councillor Smruti Patel1290030
Councillor John Philip330010
Councillor Chris Pond1171002
Councillor Caroline Pond400000
Councillor Ronda Pugsley941000
Councillor Sheree Rackham981001
Councillor Kaz Rizvi11110000
Councillor Razia Sharif1490000
Councillor David Stocker1390010
Councillor Darshan Sunger13100010
Councillor Basil Vaz330000
Councillor Chris Whitbread11100050
Councillor Holly Whitbread12110050
Councillor Janet Whitehouse1191040
Councillor Jon Whitehouse12110030
Councillor Ken Williamson15121050
Councillor Graham Wiskin970000
Councillor David Wixley330001
Councillor Shane Yerrell950000