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No. | Item |
Webcasting Introduction 1. This virtual meeting is to be webcast. Members are reminded of the need to unmute before speaking.
2. The Chairman will read the following announcement:
“I would like to remind everyone present that this meeting will be broadcast live to the internet (or filmed) and will be capable of repeated viewing (or another use by such third parties).
Please could I also remind Members of the Public who have registered to speak that they will be admitted to the meeting at the appropriate time.
Please also be aware that if technical difficulties interrupt the meeting that cannot be overcome, I may need to adjourn the meeting.”
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman made a short address to remind everyone present that the virtual meeting would be broadcast live to the internet and would be capable of repeated viewing, which could infringe their human and data protection rights. |
Declarations of Interest To declare interests in any item on this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made pursuant to the Councils Members’ Code of Conduct.
Procedures for the Conduct of a Virtual Meeting Please find attached the revised procedures for holding and attending a virtual meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee noted the procedure for the conduct of business for this virtual meeting.
PROCEDURE FOR THE CONDUCT OF BUSINESS Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee noted the agreed procedure for the conduct of business and the Terms of Reference. |
To consider the attached report. Additional documents: Minutes: The three Councillors that presided over this application were Councillors J. M Whitehouse (Chairman), S Neville and P Stalker.
The Chairman introduced the Members and Officers present and outlined the procedure that would be followed for the determination of the application.
In attendance on behalf of Gourmet Sheesh was Mr Berkpinar the applicant’s representative.
In attendance on behalf of the objectors was Mr Bassi.
(a) Application before the Sub-Committee
The Licensing Officer, Mr P Jones introduced the application for a new premises licence at Gourmet Sheesh, 155 Manor Road, Chigwell, Essex IG7 5QA which was received on 4 May 2021. The application was for the licensable activities of Recorded Music (Indoors) and Sale of Alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, Monday to Sunday 11:00 – 23:00 and the Operating Schedule set out the conditions which would be attached to the licence if this application was granted.
The Responsible Authorities had received a copy of the application which had been advertised at the premises and in a local newspaper. In addition to residences and businesses within 150 metres radius of the premises being individually consulted.
The authority had received two representations from Objectors and there were also responses from Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, Environmental Health, and Essex Police; all of whom had no comments to make, although the Community Resilience had also responded with conditions that had been agreed with the applicant.
It was noted that the applicant had sought to have Recorded Music both indoors and outdoors, and for licensable activities to terminate at midnight; however following comments received by residents and negotiations with Community Resilience the applicant had amended the application to the hours and activities. Furthermore, the Licensing Officer advised that Recorded Music was not a licensable activity between the hours of 08:00 – 23:00 where an alcohol licence was granted.
(b) Presentation from the Application/Representative
Mr Berkpinar advised that following the comments and conditions suggested the applicant had amended their application, which hopefully addressed their concerns.
(c) Questions to the Applicant/Representative
The Sub-Committee asked for clarification on whether food and drink would be served on outside paving area. Mr Berkpinar advised that an application had been submitted but this area would be closed at 21:00 and there would be CCTV.
(d) Presentation from the Objector
Mr Bassi advised that his concerns had been addressed by the conditions set out by the Environmental Enforcement Officer on pages 72,73 & 74 of the agenda and he had nothing further to add.
(e) Questions to the Objectors There were no questions to the Objector.
(f) Closing Statements from the Applicant/Representative
Mr Berkpinar advised that they had sought advice from the licensing department and had been happy to address their concerns. They wished to be part of the community and not effect peoples lives in any detrimental way.
(g) Consideration of the Application by the Sub-Committee
The Chairman advised that the Sub-Committee would go into private deliberations to consider the application.
The Sub-Committee noted all of the ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
To consider the attached report. Additional documents: Minutes: The three Councillors that presided over this application were Councillors J. M Whitehouse (Chairman), S Heather and P Stalker.
The Chairman introduced the Members and Officers present and outlined the procedure that would be followed for the determination of the application.
In attendance on behalf of the Matching Green Cricket Club was Mr M Figg.
In attendance on behalf of the objectors were Mr Saxon, Mr Jennings, Mr Brown, Mrs McCourt.
The Ward Councillor for Matching, Councillor R Morgan and the Chairman of the Cricket Club, Mr Hartnell were present as observers.
(a) Application before the Sub-Committee
The Licensing Officer, D Houghton introduced the application for a new Club Premises Certificate at Matching Green Cricket Club, Cricket Pavilion, The Green, Matching Green, Essex, CM17 0PZ which had been received on 8 May 2021.
The application was for the following licensing activities between the months of April to September when the pavilion was open;
The Supply of Alcohol on the Premises only Monday to Friday 17.00 – 22.00 Saturday 12.00 – 23.00, Sunday 12.00 – 22.00
Opening Times of the premises Monday to Friday 17.00 – 22.00 Saturday 12.00 – 23.00, Sunday 12.00 – 22.00
The Operating Schedule set out the conditions which would be attached to the Club Premises Certificate if the application was granted.
The Responsible Authorities had all received a copy of the application, it was also advertised at the premises and in a local newspaper. In addition to residences and businesses within 150 metres radius of the premises being individually consulted.
The authority had received 17 representations against the application from residents and businesses, 1 representation of support from North Weald Parish Council. The Objections related to The Prevention of Crime and Disorder, Public Safety, The Prevention of Public Nuisance and the Protection of Children from Harm. Furthermore, Essex Police had agreed further conditions set out on page 152 of the agenda with the applicant, which if agreed would be added to the Operating Schedule,
(b) Presentation from the Application/Representative
The applicant advised the Sub-Committee that the application had been made on behalf of the Matching Green Cricket Club to only be used in conjunction with cricketing purposes and would be on average 40-50 days per year for cricket matches and training. This would include Friday evenings training sessions and matches on Saturday and Sundays throughout April to September. The Cricket Club was a local community club and would be run for the members only.
(c) Questions to the Applicant/Representative
The Sub-Committee asked the following questions;
· Was it expected that the parents of the junior members would take their drinks outside the pavilion? Mr Figg advised that they would in and round the pavilion and would not be allowed to walk around the green. The sale of alcohol would take place in the pavilion. · Who were the members of the club for junior membership? Mr Figg advised that junior membership included their families as social membership. · Had the conditions suggested by the Essex Police set out on ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |